You are waiting for her Poodle My lovely family will give you a new litter of Poodles but don't know yet Signs Poodle dog is pregnant? How to take care How is Poodle pregnant? Let's find out right through the article below.

Signs your Poodle is pregnant you should know

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After mating, you are not sure if your Poodle is pregnant or not? Try to see if your Poodle girl is showing some of the following signs?

1. When Poodle is pregnant

  • Female Poodles can become pregnant at any time after their first bout (even when they are young).
  • Female Poodles can get pregnant at any age, as long as their body still has male tremors, there is still a possibility of pregnancy.
  • Female Poodles can become pregnant if their owners have not taken them to be spayed.

2. Signs Poodle is pregnant

Usually ultrasound or X-ray cannot detect a pregnant Poodle in the first 30-45 days of pregnancy. Therefore, after giving a Poodle to breed, you must pay attention to the following signs:

  • Poodles lose interest in walking, exercise, or other physical activities. They also want to rest more often.
  • The Poodle's belly expands quite quickly and becomes firmer from week 2. By week 4, her belly is noticeably swollen. After mating, you should measure the Poodle's belly regularly.
  • Poodle's mammary glands develop and get larger.
  • Some small nipples close to the skin that normally do not appear to the owner.
  • Poodle dogs often lick their fur and clean their bodies more cleanly.
  • Poodles begin to pull pillows, blankets and other soft materials to a quiet corner of the house to make a "nest".
  • Poodles crave food and eat more than usual.

If you see your Poodle with the above signs, you can preliminary conclude that the dog is pregnant. However, you can also bring your dog to the veterinarian for the most accurate results. Specifically, blood test results can be used to test pregnancy most accurately on the 30th day. Ultrasound results can take the fetal heart rate on the 28th day.

And if you want to know how many pups your Poodle can carry, you can take her for an X-ray to determine the exact number of pups in the womb. This will help the owner to be more proactive in the care process. However, it should only be done after the 45th day because this is the time when the puppy's bones have enough calcification to respond to X-ray irradiation. At this time, the captured film image will be clearer.

Care and training regimen for pregnant Poodle dogs

dấu hiệu chó Poodle mang thai

1. Training mode for pregnant Poodles

The Poodle has an active personality, likes to run, jump, and play. Therefore, when the dog is pregnant, you should limit vigorous activities to avoid miscarriage. When Poodles are pregnant, they will eat and sleep more than usual, and their bodies will gain weight quickly. You should not let the situation last because they will be very easy to be overweight and obese.

Pregnant Poodles are considered healthy when they gain from 25 – 30% weight at the time of giving birth. For example, a 25kg Standard Poodle will gain between 6 and 7.5kg during pregnancy. If pregnant Poodles gain more than 30% of normal body weight, they may be obese.

To limit this situation, you should give them daily exercise with moderate intensity throughout pregnancy. Specifically, you should take your dog for a walk around the park every day. This will help the Poodle maintain muscle mass and stimulate the mother dog's digestive system and blood circulation. Help their bodies be maintained in the best condition to prepare for birth.

2. Diet for pregnant Poodle dogs

Pregnant Poodles will gain weight in the 2nd or 3rd to 5th week. At this time, their nutritional needs will almost double. You need to prepare them with a healthy, balanced diet instead of an omnivorous meal. 1 egg at a time or 2 pieces of cheese, goat's milk per day will help pregnant Poodles quickly replenish protein, calcium and nutrients.

To avoid obesity in Poodle dogs during pregnancy, owners need to refer to the appropriate weight of Poodle dogs during pregnancy. As noted above, a healthy pregnant Poodle will gain between 25 - 30% of the dog's ideal weight by the time it gives birth. For example, a Toy Poodle weighing 3.5 kg will gain from 1 to 1.1 kg during pregnancy. Standard Poodle weighing 25kg will increase from 6 to 7.5kg during pregnancy.

When a Poodle is pregnant, owners should not provide additional calcium through supplements. This will seriously affect the health status of the mother Poodle. For example, a drop in blood calcium levels can occur during labor.

Owners also need to ensure that the air in the house is always airy, creating a comfortable feeling for the mother Poodle. Because during pregnancy, they are very susceptible to stress, which can adversely affect the development of puppies in the womb.

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