Early detection What are the signs of a pregnant dog? will help the owner establish a reasonable care regimen for the mother dog so that your dog has the healthiest pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy in dogs rarely appear in the early stages, starting to show up in the middle and late stages of pregnancy. We can recognize What are the signs of a pregnant dog? Through the appearance and behavior below to diagnose in the most accurate way.

Normally, the pregnant mother dog cycle lasts about 9 weeks and moves about only about 7 days. That is, from the time of mating and successful conception to birth, the bitch takes about 59-67 days to get pregnant.

The variation in the gestation period of a bitch depends on the size, the average lifespan of the bitch breed, the number of pups, and the lifespan of the offspring. For example, large dog breeds (such as Rottweiler, Labrador, Golden Retriever...), or breeds with small litters (such as miniature Bull Terrier, Chihuahua, Japanese Chin...) have a longer gestation period than those with small litters. Small-sized dogs that give birth to many pups in one litter.

What are the signs of a pregnant dog?

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1. Body signs in pregnant dogs

About 2-3 weeks after conception, the female dog will have a change in the color of the nipples. The breasts will be more pink and fuller than usual.

About 4-5 weeks later, the female dog's body will have a change with a larger waist and a fuller belly. But we need to pay attention to distinguish between a large belly due to a pregnant dog or a stubborn belly fat that causes obesity.

Around the 6th - 9th week when at the end of pregnancy, the female dog's belly will become more and more enlarged as the puppy's body is growing bigger. The mother dog's udder also swells and increases in size to produce milk for the puppies. When you press your palm to the mother's hip, you can see the puppies wiggling in the mother's womb.

About 7 - 9 days or 1-2 days before birth, the mammary glands of the mother dog will begin to produce milk. If there is milk too soon, the mother dog will easily miscarry or give birth prematurely. You need to be careful.

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2. Signs of behavior when dogs are pregnant

Mother dogs often have changes in personality and living habits during pregnancy than usual due to hormonal changes. But the expression of each child is different.

Some mother dogs will become sedentary, tire easily, and be gentler. Others like to cuddle up all day. Many female dogs will have difficulty moving so they often lie down and sleep more.

Pregnant bitches need additional nutrients to feed both mother and baby. So they will eat more, and maybe their taste will change as well. Instead of eating a lot at once, you should give the female dog many small meals, eat slowly and eat little by little.

At the end of pregnancy, the female dog will start looking for a nest. They will find a secluded corner by themselves, then put blankets and old clothes in to prepare a nest to give birth.

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How to recognize a pregnant dog's signs through a veterinarian

If you are not sure What are the signs of a pregnant dog? Then clear your doubts by taking your dog to the veterinarian for an accurate and timely examination and diagnosis.

The doctor can conduct an examination of the mother's abdomen + take a pulse to feel the uterus and the shape of the dog inside. The best time to visit is between 28 and 35 days after conception.

At week 6, the doctor can begin to listen to the heartbeat. Your veterinarian will place a stethoscope in the abdomen and check the heart rate of both the mother and the puppies.

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In addition, the ultrasound method can also help you accurately determine whether the dog is pregnant or not. But you should only test this way from the 30th day onwards.

The most effective way to take care of a pregnant mother dog

  • When the mother dog is pregnant, you need to isolate the mother dog from other dogs in the house, and prepare them with a reasonable diet and rest.
  • Weeks 4-6: Dogs eat more than usual. The foods that need to be added are eggs, fish, calcium from bones or eggshells, starch from rice.
  • Supplement the pregnant mother dog with dry food that is exclusively for pregnant dogs such as Canin of France, Josera of Germany, Pedigree of Anhm Arden Grange of England, ...
  • Take the mother dog to visit the veterinarian periodically to monitor the development of the fetus.

Above is information about What are the signs of a pregnant dog? very recognizable. To find out more details, take your dog to the veterinary facility for ultrasound, to determine the exact status of the pregnant bitch to have a nurturing and caring plan. You can contact VANCHUYENCHOMEO.COM for more specific advice.



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