Pregnant dogs and how recognize pregnant dogs is the very important stage in which the future development of the charming puppy occurs. During pregnancy, the mother dog requires special attention and care from the owner so you will know how to feed and care for the dog properly throughout the pregnancy. Together Find out about this right away.

How to recognize a pregnant dog in dog breeds?

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The average gestation period for a bitch is between 55 and 70 days, or a cycle of 60 to 75 days. And the manifestation of pregnancy in dogs is also different.

1. Hate to know a pregnant dog in a large breed

For large dogs, the gestation period is 65 days, although there are sometimes cases where puppies are born on the 54th or 75th day. If there are a large number of puppies in the womb, the gestation period is reduced and with a correspondingly small amount, it will increase. In the early stages, the mother dog will train her room to live a habitual lifestyle, both active and mobile. wait until after birth.

2. Recognizing pregnant dogs in small dog breeds

The gestation period in small breed puppies is 60 days. Before the onset of pregnancy, their body temperature will drop several degrees. Small dogs are also very sensitive to hypothermia or overheating. Therefore, you need to make sure that the temperature is appropriate in the room where the pregnant dog is living.

With small dogs, their stomach size will also be very small, so it will affect feeding when they are pregnant. With the growth of puppies in the womb, the mother's stomach will be compressed and smaller. You need to reduce the amount of food, feed many meals with light, high-calorie foods.

The most accurate sign to identify a pregnant dog

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For pregnant dog recognition, Owners need to observe carefully because usually the female dog will not show many noticeable signs of pregnancy in the first month. Here are the Signs to recognize a pregnant dog you need to pay attention to:

  • Changing eating habits: When a female dog is pregnant, she will lose her appetite or even stop eating. If you have this sign after the dog is mated, you do not need to force it to eat, just prepare your favorite food or fresh milk for them.
  • Low morale: Newly pregnant bitch will be moody and tired in the beginning, especially the bitch who is pregnant for the first time. This is a very normal sign and you should not give your dog any medicine that affects both mother and puppies.
  • In the 3rd week after estrus, you can take the bitch to the veterinarian to check to see if she is pregnant or not.
  • Dogs will begin to gain weight around day 21 of pregnancy, at which point they will have a change in appearance. By day 35, they will gain weight faster for the rest of the pregnancy.
  • Bitches may release a little bit of genital mucus around day 30 of pregnancy.
  • The bitch's nipples will be swollen and pinker at 5 - 6 weeks.
  • Pregnant bitch will be less active than usual, do not like to play and run.
  • Pregnant female dogs often show more affection and tenderness.
  • By the 40th day after pregnancy, the bitch's belly has grown and you can notice the puppy movements.
  • About 7 to 9 days before calving, the nipples of the bitch will start to harden and can produce colostrum. If the mother dog is producing milk too soon, this could be a sign of premature birth.

Symptoms of false pregnancy in dogs

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Symptoms of false pregnancy in dogs is a physiological and mental disorder that occurs in bitches of reproductive age as a result of a deviation in the functioning of the sex glands.

Common signs of false pregnancy are changes in the pigment of the mammary glands, the dog's belly is enlarged, colostrum appears, but the dog is not actually pregnant. The only sign of a false pregnancy is the lack of movement of the embryo in the mother's womb.

Pregnancy cycle in dogs

Most dog breeds have a gestation period of between 58 and 64 days, and most mothers will give birth on the 63rd day of pregnancy.

When dogs enter estrus cycle, they will have 2 pregnancies: natural pregnancy and pregnancy after mating. Owners need to rely on this to monitor to recognize pregnant dogs and Calculate the time of pregnancy of the dog for the most accurate.

If your dog is loose, they will most likely become pregnant during estrus. This comes from the natural instincts of dogs. When it comes to estrus, male dogs will use their sharp sense of smell to find and mate with female dogs within a radius of 2-3 km. After that, the female dog will become pregnant naturally. The gestation period of the bitch will be calculated starting from the mating times. Therefore, you cannot calculate exactly when the dog's pregnancy time is, but you need to rely on signs recognize pregnant dogs to find out if the dog is pregnant or not.

And if you bring the dog to breed, you can calculate the exact date of the bitch's pregnancy. Owners can calculate and divide into many times. It is best that the 1st time should be 2 to 3 days apart from the 2nd time because that is the time of ovulation, the dog is easy to conceive. Normally, from the day of mating until about 63 days after the dog will give birth.

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