If you are raising a female dog, when they are 6-12 months old, they will go into adulthood and start to work (also known as sal). Depending on the breed of dog, their estrus time will be different. So how to take care of a bitch in heat? The following article will help you answer this problem.

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How to take care of a bitch in heat?

When does a bitch start estrus?

Small dogs will usually reach maturity between 6 and 10 months of age. And large female breeds usually come into heat later than about 12 months of age. There are also some other large dog breeds whose first estrus cycle occurs between 18-24 months of age.

In addition, mixed breeds, especially inbreeding or inbreeding, sick dogs, poor nutrition, or overweight dogs will also estrus later, and show less intense estrus than other breeds. is different. So you need to know how to take care of female dogs in heat so that they are healthy and ready for breeding.

Signs and cycles of estrus in bitches

The female dog in adulthood will begin to molt, the coat will be smoother and fatter. They will also be active and agile, with clear eyes, preferring to be close, attached to their owners and fellow humans. In adulthood, their genitals and nipples will swell, the vulva gradually swells with clear, viscous secretions from the vagina. A few drops of blood can be seen as a sign of an impending period.

This is a sign of entering the adult period of the female dog. Here is the estrous cycle in bitches:

7-10 days after the above symptoms

Bitches begin to officially menstruate, at first not much, they will turn around and lick themselves clean. However, the way to determine the day of the menstrual period is often inaccurate because when blood is detected on the floor, the dog may have had a period for 3 days because the first days they licked themselves clean, did not fall out of the house.

Note: At this point you can calculate the mating date if this is their 2nd heat or more. Do not breed in the first estrus cycle because at this time the dogs are too young, their bodies have not fully developed, which will affect the health of the mother dog and the puppies are also very likely to die or give birth prematurely. The bitch is in heat for the second time 4-6 months after the first, and the same goes for the following times.

After about 3-5 days "menstrual"

At this time, the blood will come out massively, the dog will not be able to lick itself in time, so the rope may fall on the floor. My door is abnormally swollen and hard.

From 10-15 days later: Main estrus period

The blood will be less and less, from the blood red fading to "pink", "light pink", "ignoring fish blood", their doors also soften. This is a very important time to properly test and bring the dog in for breeding. At this time, the female dog loves to be near male dogs or cuddle with people, especially for men because the sex hormones between humans and animals are similar.

At this time, their very pronounced masculinity reflex is very obvious. If you let the dog go wild or hug another dog, regardless of the male, it is easy to mate naturally with male dogs around the area. They recognize and come together, males can detect a female dog in heat within a radius of 2-3km due to the ability to smell. The ability to smell with the olfactory nerve can be 900 times that of a human nose, especially dogs with long noses: Datshund, becgie, Cocker Spaniel...

More simply, you can calculate from the day you see the dog bleeding, then take that date back 2-3 days, that is the first day of the dog. then up to 10-15 days to be able to breed dogs. Big dog breeds: Becgie, Rot, St.Becnar, Great Dane... mating date from 12-17 during menstruation. Small dog breeds: Chihuahua, Terrier, Phoc… from 8-12 days.

Mating day 1 should be 2-3 days after mating day 2. And you should mate in the early morning or evening, because the cool weather will help the bitch get pregnant.

If you have female dogs, avoid releasing them during this time, because male dogs can detect female dogs in heat within a 2-3km radius. The male dog will seduce a partner, and you will have to take care of the crossbreeds along with the decline in the mother's health if she is underage.

From 17-22 days: End of estrus period

At this time, the dog's vulva dries out, the amount of vaginal secretions also gradually disappears, then completely disappears and at this time the female dog will not like to be near the male anymore, ending the estrous cycle.

How to take care of a bitch in heat?

When dogs are in heat, you need to pay attention to their health and psychology. Because in these times the bitch will often have a different mentality. And during this period, you absolutely should not bathe the bitch until the dog's blood stops flowing. Because bathing the bitch at this stage will make their genitals susceptible to infection due to the water flowing into the dog's body.

During this period, your home will have an unpleasant and very typical dog smell, so you also need to pay attention to cleaning to limit this odor.

You can also take the female dog for a walk, but need a leash to avoid running after the male. Or you should leave them in a place where it is easy to urinate, because during this stage the female dog will urinate a lot. You also should not be angry if they have indiscriminate urination in the house, because at this time the bitch will be very agitated and aggressive.

If you have time, give them regular massages and strokes to relax them, and brush them again because during estrus, bitches will be more anxious than usual.

In particular, during this time you need to provide more nutritious food in the dog's diet, because this is the period when the bitch needs a lot of nutrients for the body to respond to physiological changes.

Here are a few things you need to know when taking care of a bitch in heat. Wish you have healthy and lovely dogs. If you need to know more about other ways to take care of dogs, please contact for advice.

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