If your dog is skinny, eating poorly, losing weight due to old age… there are still many tips and tricks to help your dog gain weight. Maintaining a balanced diet and exercise is very important to help your dog gain healthy weight.


Diet and exercise to help dogs gain weight healthily

1. Diet helps dogs gain weight

Foods high in fat and protein can support growth and development in dogs. Foods rich in protein and fat help dogs gain weight slowly without causing obesity.

It is recommended to feed your dog foods with a higher percentage of protein or fat, if they are not used to it, you can mix it with old nuts with the same composition. Mixing small amounts of new food with the daily meal Your dog's day will help avoid indigestion and stomach upset as well as help them try new flavors.

New dog eating schedules may also help dogs gain weight. If you are still feeding your dog only 2 meals a day and you are not seeing weight gain, then you can consider a quantitative switch: Give your dog a smaller portion of food in the morning, and a larger portion in the evening. This will help them store fat while they sleep, instead of burning energy into mischief during the day.

Besides, you can also divide up to eat many small meals regularly 3-4 meals / day to help provide your dog with nutrients regularly throughout the day. Increasing meals, dividing them into smaller meals, and feeding more in the evening will help them store fat effectively.

2. Daily exercise helps dogs gain healthy weight

With a big, strong dog, most of the weight should be muscle. Regular exercise, jogging, walking, playing around is the best way to maintain weight as well as ensure a good appearance for your dog. Combining exercise with a diet rich in protein and fat will help your dog stay healthy within a month. Exercise also helps dogs absorb nutrients better.

3. Deworming for dogs

Proper deworming for dogs to help them absorb nutrients most effectively. You should consult with your veterinarian to properly deworm your dog regularly.

Some foods help dogs gain weight effectively and safely

1. Butter, peanuts

This is a high calorie food – A great way to help skinny dogs gain weight quickly with healthy fats, especially at night before bed.

Note that when feeding your dog peanut butter, you need to coordinate with them to add at least one healthy vegetable dish, such as a piece of vegetable with peanut butter, carrots with peanut butter, tofu with peanut butter, etc. Carrot is a kind of low acid, low sugar that will help reduce the risk of stomach pain and supplement anti-aging, increase natural resistance.

You also need to avoid giving highly acidic foods such as fruits with peanut butter, as it contributes to stomach problems at all.

2. Pumpkin and sweet potato

Adding pumpkin or sweet potato to the daily food will help increase fat and fiber to make dogs chubby, and the nutrients in it will also help dogs avoid colic.

6. Vitamin B group

Liver, chicken eggs, and duck eggs are some readily available foods rich in vitamin B12. These foods can be combined and rotated to create meals that bring more B vitamins.

Besides, rice is also a popular source of B vitamins, giving your dog rice every day will help them eat healthier and fatter faster.

Here is some information about How to help dogs gain weight healthy that we want to share with you. Wish you have healthy and lovely dogs. If you need to know more about other ways to take care of dogs, please contact for advice.


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