HOW DO Dogs and Cats Live Together?

Dogs and cats are considered "natural enemies," but if they were raised together in the same house, they could still be very close. However, you must first know how to give dogs and cats make yourself already. In this article we will show you simple steps for dogs and cats to live together happily and in harmony.

HOW DO Dogs and Cats Live Together?

Can dogs and cats live together?

Whether a dog and a cat can live together will depend on several factors:

  • The age and personality of the dog/cat.
  • The age and temperament of the newly arrived dog/cat.
  • Living space around dogs/cats
  • Current attitude of owners towards cats and dogs.

It's often easier to welcome a new cat into a dog family, as most dogs tend to see cats as a new member of the pack, not a threat. However, dogs and cats have different languages, so if you want to help your dog and cat get along, consider the following tips.

Fair to both dogs and cats

You need to know how to neutralize the inherent hatred behind a relationship between a dog and a cat by doing justice to both. For example, if you give your dog 10 minutes of cuddling, it will take 10 more minutes with your cat. The fair treatment will help the old animal and the newcomer feel secure and somewhat reduce anxiety when changing. Meanwhile, giving greater favor to one of the two will make the other animal more jealous.

Keep a safe distance for both dogs and cats

If your family just arrived with a cat and you already have a dog, you should put the cat in a separate room, only this one room is "no dogs". Because during the first few months, having a safe and quiet space will reduce your cat's anxiety and prevent stress.

And you also need to make sure that the litter box, water bowl, or any other toy belongs to the cat and is out of the reach of the dog, even if the dog doesn't show any signs of aggression or contention.

Should feed dogs and cats at the same time

In the beginning, you should spend time feeding the dog and cat together which can help speed up the process of getting used to the dog and cat. But be careful, when you feed dogs and cats, the cat should be separated from the dog while eating. The simplest is to try placing the cat food bowl close to a closed door, while the dog food bowl is on the other side.

Also, try helping cats and dogs sense each other's scents. If they can smell each other while both the cat and the dog are in a good mood, they will be more likely to get along.

Another good idea to support each other's smell recognition and acceptance is the act of swapping bedding or their personal items.

Need a plan to help them get to know each other

Arrange an introduction and get to know the dog and cat who are going to live together under the same roof. Try getting a friend or family member involved to help keep one of each cat during the first few encounters between cats and dogs to prevent them from getting into a fight. Both animals may feel upset (or not) and you and one more person will act as moderator, control, comfort, and prompt their response.

Monitor the behavior of 2 animals

You need to monitor both the cat's reactions during encounters. If your dog barks excessively or is shaking, calm him down and focus. If the cat has erect ears, looks straight ahead, wary while wagging its tail repeatedly and keeping it in a low position, you should slowly intervene or temporarily separate them.

Remember dogs and cats have different personalities

When you welcome cats and dogs under one roof, it's likely that due to some of your pet's unique personality traits, they may not get along. It's best to give the newcomer enough time before making the decision to welcome a new dog or cat into your home and this should be based on the most recent performance of both animals.

Stay calm and become a fulcrum for your pet

In the process of letting cats and dogs live together, you will be the fulcrum of the two animals. Show your confidence and make your cat feel it. Your emotions and calmness will have a positive effect on the overall atmosphere of the newly formed family.

How long will it take for your dog and cat to get along? Typically, the time it takes to introduce a new pet is about a week, and all planned referrals are a huge success. People who have little experience with pets can inadvertently cause cats to run away or cause cats and dogs to remain alert, worried, or threatening all the time afterward. So, you should have a plan to get acquainted with cats and dogs when welcoming new members into the house.

Here is some information on how let dogs and cats live together that we want to share with you. Wish you have healthy and lovely cats and dogs. If you need to know more about other ways to care for cats and dogs, please contact us immediately for advice.

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