Hot weather, high temperatures make us prone to fatigue, loss of appetite and so do dogs. So what should you do if your dog refuses to eat when it's hot? The following article will help you answer this problem.


Why do dogs stop eating when it's hot?

Dogs with thick coats of hair will help keep them warm in cold weather, but can be a nuisance in the summer when the weather is hot. The thick coat, the skin does not dissipate heat will cause the dog's body temperature to rise, affecting the dog's general behavior. They are both lazier, lie down more, eat a lot less and are rather moody.

Many scientific studies show that, when the ambient temperature is too high, mammals in general tend to work less to help reduce calorie requirements, keep the body cool and increase the chances of survival. The primary instinct of mammals during this time is to cool down, eating is a secondary need, and so are dogs.

In fact, dogs don't eat much when it's hot, and even overeating in hot weather is dangerous for dogs: Because the calories and fat that come from food can cause body temperature to rise, causing their bodies to work harder, risking overloading the cooling system.

Warning signs for dogs to stop eating when it's hot

When the weather is hot, dogs will eat less but that doesn't mean they will stop eating and if your dog has not eaten for a long time, consider potential health problems such as dental disease, then illness, infection.

The following signs, if accompanied by a lack of food, are cause for concern:

  • Dogs lie flat and don't care about anything.
  • Dog has diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Dogs don't drink water
  • Have an aggressive attitude.
  • Clear weight loss.
  • Changed the type of grain food, just separated from the cubs…

Therefore, it can be seen that dogs are fasting not simply because of the heat. If you are experiencing other signs that accompany a lack of food, you should consult your veterinarian or learn about illnesses that may be causing your dog to stop eating.

What to do when the dog refuses to eat?

On hot days, if you find that your dog is eating less and eating less, there is nothing to worry about. And you also don't have to worry when your dog just eats less, because the need to eat will be reduced on reasonably hot days.

However, if your dog does not eat for many consecutive meals, you need to pay attention to support them to ensure that they have enough nutrition to maintain their body through the sun. The first thing you need to do is let your dog cool down (cool down) before feeding.

For example: You can bathe your dog with cool water and no soap to stimulate the dog to want to eat more. Or you can take your dog into an air-conditioned room to help them cool down for an hour or two before feeding.

Alternatively, you can also swap out a regular meal for a better, more nutritionally complete grain food, especially a grain food with a higher protein content and more premium nutritional ingredients.

Here are some simple ways to deal with when your dog refuses to eat:

Choose dog food: Owners who know their dog's food preferences will be able to tailor their daily meals to foods they prefer to eat. And you should give your dog a smaller amount of food such as eggs, duck, cheese or raw beef. Do not give them too fatty foods such as fatty meat, cooked food.

Choose the right feeding time: You should adjust the time to feed your dog the most appropriate in hot days, which is early in the morning when the sun has not yet risen and in the evening when the sun has set because at this time the weather is cooler and does not affect the health of the dog. their desire to eat.

Do not feed hot or cold foods: Dog food in the summer should be kept at room temperature or slightly cooler, do not let dogs eat hot or cold food that will adversely affect their digestive system.

And the last thing you need to care about when giving your dog food when it's hot is that it may be because they change their taste, are much more picky and don't eat foods that they have eaten all before. At this point you can try changing the food or changing the type of seeds for them.

Here is some information on how to handle it Dogs don't eat when it's hot that we want to share with you. Wish you have healthy and lovely dogs. If you need to know more about other ways to take care of dogs, please contact http://vanchuyenchomeo.com/ for advice.

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