Scabies in dogs is an inflammatory skin disease caused by small mites that live on dogs. Scabies is not a life-threatening condition for your pet, but it does cause an uncomfortable itching and affects the beauty of your dog. In this article, we will show you how to treat scabies in dogs completely in just 1 week.

Scabies in dogs

What causes scabies in dogs?

The disease is caused by parasites that live on dogs, including the following types of scabies:

Sarcoptes scabies

Scabies is a disease caused by the parasite Sarcoptes. They burrow and lay eggs that cause itching. This type of scabies is not dangerous and once cured, the dog will be completely healthy with no sequelae. However, severe cases of scabies can lead to a number of secondary infections caused by fungi and bacteria, forming white rings, scaly, and hair loss in the irritated skin.

Sarcoptes scabies can easily spread to human skin, especially young children. When the mites that cause Sarcoptic scabies are transmitted to humans, they can cause red bumps that look like mosquito bites but will clear up on their own after a few days of isolation.

Scabies Demodex

Scabies is a disease caused by the parasite Demodex Canis. This type of scabies burrows deep into the dog's skin, is difficult to treat and emits a foul odor, which can cause patches of "thin hair" or hair loss. Usually this small patch of skin will not become inflamed or irritated, cause no severe itching, and will go away on its own. However, this type of scabies cannot be spread to humans.

Signs of scabies in dogs

Itchy: This is the most recognizable sign. If you see your dog scratching or rubbing, rubbing against walls, or rolling on the ground without being bitten by an insect, the dog may have scabies.

Hair Loss: If your dog's hair is shedding in patches that form small bald areas, it could be a sign of scabies.

Dandruff Scales: After shedding, the dog's coat and skin will begin to appear many dandruff flakes, gradually drying and peeling.

Scabies Red Nodules: Dogs have red spots around the body, concentrated in the areas around the hair loss and not red.
Skin – the skin begins to thicken and become keratinized. There may be bleeding from scratching, or redness from scratching. The location of scabies is usually on the elbows, under the abdomen, behind the ears, near the anus, around the eyes, the bridge of the nose .... most areas of thin skin.

False signs to avoid confusion with other diseases:

  • Dog paws are often calloused due to lying on the floor or due to a lot of friction that thickens.
  • Red spots under the abdomen need to be distinguished from care disease, because care disease will have high fever, thick red spots and diarrhea.
  • Red skin is also a sign of fungal infection, and this disease is difficult to distinguish, so it is necessary to seek help from a veterinarian.

How to prevent scabies in dogs

  • Keep the dog's place clean, do not leave the dog's place in wet, dirty and unsanitary places.
  • Bathe the dog regularly to kill bacteria
  • Avoid contact with dogs with scabies

How to treat scabies for dogs at home

1. Use scabies medicine for dogs

Scabies in dogs can be treated at home by using Alkin Mitecyn spray. This is a spray that penetrates the skin, killing bacteria, fungi, fleas, dog ticks that cause scabies.

How to use: Clean the skin with scabies, if long-haired dogs can cut or shave, then spray the medicine on the diseased skin. It is necessary to avoid letting the pet lick it, with scabies areas near the eyes, use a cotton swab to apply the medicine.

Note: Before using the medicine, it is recommended to bathe the pet first, do not bathe after using the medicine, please read the instructions and important notes on bathing the pet. dogs and cats.

2. Use menthol

Peppermint is an herb with antiseptic and cooling properties for the skin. You can use menthol on your dog's scabies skin 2-3 times a day for 1 week in a row. Scabies in dogs will gradually heal, the damaged skin will grow back normally.

3. Use peach leaves to treat scabies for dogs

Peach leaves have acrid taste and antiseptic properties, so they can also treat scabies for dogs. You can boil peach leaves with a little white salt to bathe the dog with scabies or use fresh peach leaves to rub the scabies on the dog's skin. Bathe the dog with this leaf water every 2 days for about 2-3 weeks, the dog will get rid of scabies and less smelly.

4. Cure dog scabies according to folk medicine

Fresh tea leaves, cloves: Take a bath of concentrated fresh tea leaves or concentrated cloves to cure scabies.

Mother of pearl leaves: Bath with nacre leaves, or decoction with concentrated nacre shells.

Galangal root: Use crushed galangal root to apply to the skin with scabies, can treat skin diseases in humans.

Dogs with scabies can also bathe, just avoid unsuitable soaps that can irritate and cause itching, and you should bathe your dog more often with folk remedies to help the dog get rid of scabies quickly.

Here is some information about How to treat scabies in dogs? that we want to share with you. Wish you have healthy and lovely dogs. If you need to know more about other ways to take care of dogs, please contact for advice.

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