It is the mother cat's responsibility to take care of the newborn kittens. However, in some cases, for example, the mother cat is clumsy, the mother cat is no longer or the mother cat is not healthy enough to take care of the kittens, the owner will have to accept this task. The following article will guide you on how to take care of a newborn kitten so that the kittens can grow up healthy.

How to take care of a newborn kitten while the kitten still has a mother
1. Take care of the mother cat before giving birth
In order for the kittens to be born healthy, you need to take care of the mother before giving birth, prepare the nest, and comfort the mother so that the mother can rest assured and feel cared for. When the mother cat gives birth, you should only stand from afar to observe, do not need to approach to cause distraction. If the mother cat has difficulty giving birth, you will come to help.
After the mother cat gives birth, you need to prepare food such as diluted porridge and warm water with a little salt so that when the mother cat eats, she regains strength and cleans her intestines.
When a new cat gives birth, you also need to avoid contact with the kittens and move the litter, because this will make the mother cat puke and bite the kitten to death. You should observe from a distance and allow time for the mother cat to rest and be close to her baby.
2. Nutritional care for the new mother cat
Nutritional issues for new-born mother cats are extremely important because if properly nourished, the mother cat can quickly recover and have milk for nursing kittens. During this time, the mother cat's body is still weak, so let her eat soft, easy-to-digest food, add enough starch, protein, and fiber to provide the necessary nutrients.
After 1-2 days from the day the cat gives birth, you should change the litter, line the cage and clean the pet's place.
3. Nutritional care for newborn kittens
After birth, kittens need to be exclusively breastfed, so in the first few days you should not actively interfere in the nutritional care of the kittens. Except for cases where the mother cat dies or the mother cat is not able to take care of her baby.
You need to pay attention, if you see a kitten meowing a lot, it means that the mother cat does not have enough milk to breastfeed. And you should add formula milk to keep the kittens full and healthy.
4. How to train kittens to go to the toilet
When the kitten is 4 weeks old, you should teach her to go to the toilet on her own to make the cat's nest cleaner. After that, taking care of cats is also easier. Usually, the mother cat will teach the kittens to defecate in the sand and clean themselves. However, you can also help your cat go to the toilet by actively placing the kitten in a dedicated sand tray, so that she can practice scratching and filling up the waste. Over time, it will become a habit and help the cat to defecate in the sand tray easily.
How to take care of a newborn kitten when the kitten loses its mother
If the kitten is born without a mother, you need to put the kittens together. If the mother cat refuses to accept the mating, then you will completely replace the mother cat's role in taking care of the newborn kittens. You will not only need to feed and keep the kittens warm, but you will also need to take care of them so that the kittens always feel secure.
Here are some experiences of taking care of kittens without a mother:
1. How to make a cat's nest
The cat's nest needs to be warm and safe, avoid drafty places or near other pets in the house. To make a nest for kittens, you can use a paper box or a pot tray, the inside needs to be lined with an old cotton blanket or soft cloth. If it's cold, you can add a heating lamp to keep the kitten from getting cold. The right temperature for cats to feel warm is about 37 degrees Celsius.
2. How to give kittens milk
When the kitten does not have a mother, you need to give it formula milk. During the first 4 to 8 weeks of age, milk is an essential source of nutrients for kittens to have a good immune system.
If you feed your cat with formula, before choosing to buy milk, you need to pay attention to the weight and breed of the cat to choose the right type of milk and milk volume for the kitten to drink every day. Or you can also base on age as follows to give your cat the right milk:
Kittens under 2 weeks old: Feed the kittens milk 3 times a day with the amount of milk now 2-5ml/time
Kittens under 4 weeks old: At this point, the kitten can drink milk on its own, so you can pour the milk on a plate for the cat to lick itself. It is recommended to feed the cat 4-5 times a day, about 7ml of milk each time.
– 2-3 month old kittens: At this time, the kitten can eat solid food and you should give the cat soft foods such as pate or wet seeds so that the baby can get used to the food. You can also give the kittens extra milk, but only need to give it 2 times a day to supplement the necessary nutrition.
3. How to help kittens go to the toilet
To train kittens to defecate in the litter box, you need to regularly put them in the litter box when they start to want to go to the toilet. This will help you create a habit for the kitten to go to the toilet in the sand tray, when he gets used to it, he will go to the litter box to go to the toilet on his own. In addition, it also helps kittens locate the litter tray, thereby helping them get into the habit of going to the toilet in one place.
4. It is necessary to avoid holding kittens often when they are born
If the kitten does not have a mother, you do not need to hold the kitten all day to comfort her. Kittens under 2 months of age should not be held or petted except after eating. Because at this time, the kitten's body is still small, the resistance is weak. Holding too much will slow the growth of the kitten and can also affect the puppy's health.
5. Notes on how to take care of newborn kittens who have lost their mother
– When feeding a cat, you should let the cat stand on the floor or in the palm of your hand, avoid letting the cat eat because it will be easy to choke and spill into the lungs.
In the beginning, you should not bathe the cat because the water will affect the baby's health. Only bathe cats from 3 months of age onwards, but only use warm water to bathe the baby so that the baby does not startle.
You need to regularly observe the cat's expressions and immediately contact the veterinarian if you find that the cat is not suitable.
Here is some information about How to take care of a newborn kitten that we want to share with you. Wish you have healthy, lovely kittens. If you need to know more about other ways to take care of kittens, contact for advice.