Two-month-old kittens are the age when they can separate from their mothers, so this is also the time when cats can change places and change owners. If you just bought a 2-month-old kitten, learn how to best care for a 2-month-old kitten through the article below,


Nutrition when taking care of a 2-month-old kitten

1. What should 2 month old kittens eat?

2 month old kittens need to be weaned and enter the weaning phase. However, because the digestive system of a 2-month-old kitten is still incomplete and quite immature, you need to pay attention to choosing the right nutrition to avoid affecting the cat's digestive and intestinal systems.

The diet of 2-month-old kittens needs to provide a lot of calories, protein, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, fiber, water, etc. Their main food at this stage is milk powder, porridge, all kinds of meat, fish, shrimp and shrimp, animal organs, vegetables, eggs ... and need to be cooked soft before feeding to kittens. Feeding should be done little by little to let the kittens get used to new foods other than breast milk.

If you do not have time to prepare fresh food, you can give the kitten seeds, but before eating, soak the seeds in water to soften and then give them to the kittens to avoid harming the stomach. Here are some important foods for 2-month-old kittens:

Milk: Two-month-old kittens can eat in addition to mother's milk, but if you want to give the kittens more milk, you can choose some types of formula for cats.

Meat and offal of animals: Beef, chicken, lean pork, goat meat, lamb, fish, heart, kidney, liver, intestines, lungs, brain... are foods with quite high protein content that are very good for kittens who are in the stage of development. development phase. You can also feed the kittens more pate to add taurine.

Fish: Fish is rich in protein and contains high levels of taurine. So this is a 2-month-old kitten food that you absolutely should not ignore. However, you should also not give your kitten too much fish because it can increase the risk of urinary tract infections.

Egg: You can feed a 2-month-old kitten 1-2 eggs a week but only feed the yolk, absolutely do not give the kitten egg white because there are many substances that interfere with protein digestion.

Dry cat food: Kittens at 2 months can eat ready-to-eat dry food. This type of food is also made from animal meat, fish meal, chicken liver and additives, so it ensures to provide the necessary nutrients vitamins, minerals, omega and taurine for the kittens.

Rice: You can give your kittens rice for 2 months, but you should not feed them much and often because it can cause diarrhea because rice contains a high amount of starch.

Vegetables and tubers: Vegetables and tubers are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber to help increase the resistance of kittens to stay healthy. However, because cats are very lazy to eat vegetables, you need to mix vegetables with meat, fish, eggs and then feed them.

2. Foods to avoid when taking care of 2-month-old kittens

Two-month-old kittens absolutely should not eat the following foods:

Grapes and Macadamia nuts: Eating kittens can be poisoned with symptoms such as vomiting, acute kidney failure, neurological disorders ...

- Acoholic drink: Beer, wine, soft drinks, soft drinks are alcoholic beverages that can make kittens poisoned, comatose and lead to death.

– Onions, onions, chives, garlic: The disulfide and sulfoxides in these foods can cause your kitten to develop stomach ulcers and anemia.

Chocolate, coffee, tea, caffeinated beverages: The active substances caffeine, theophylline and theobromine can cause poisoning affecting the nervous and cardiovascular systems of kittens.

- Raw eggs: Put kittens at risk of E.coli or salmonella infection.

- Confectionery with a lot of sugar: These foods contain xylitol which can lower blood sugar, liver failure leading to coma for kittens.

Some things you need to note in how to take care of a 2-month-old kitten

When taking care of kittens, it is necessary to ensure that cat food and utensils are always hygienic.

- Kittens after 2 weeks of birth will start teething, after 3 weeks can eat solid food, after 6 weeks can be weaned. How to care for a 2-month-old kitten is similar to a newborn kitten, but at this stage the kittens can separate from their mother and eat separately.

– Can raise 2 or more kittens at the same time so that the kittens do not feel lonely because they have friends.

– It is necessary to vaccinate against disease and deworm the kittens periodically.

Here is some information about how to take care of kittens  that we want to share with you. Wish you have healthy, lovely kittens. If you need to know more about other ways to take care of kittens, contact for advice.

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