If you are raising an adult female cat, you will have to be prepared that any time this cat can carry a pregnant belly or a group of kittens. So how would you handle this situation? The following article on how to take care of a newborn cat comprehensively before and after birth will bring useful information to you.


How to take care of a kitten before birth

If your cat suddenly goes missing for 1-2 days, when you return home, it screams loudly, or is impatient for a few days, it is possible that the female cat is in heat and after 1 month, you find that the cat's abdomen is erect. , larger swelling can confirm the cat is pregnant.

If you find out that the mother cat is pregnant, the first thing you need to do is add nutrients to the mother cat by increasing the food containing flour and protein ingredients, increasing the amount of rice so that the mother cat has more milk. .

It is necessary to avoid spicy, salty, sour foods ... or hard foods. Also absolutely do not give the cat any medicine or injection to avoid directly affecting the shape and health of the kitten in the future.

The mother cat's place also needs attention to always be kept warm, in a spacious place to avoid exposure to sunlight. You can use a box lined with soft cloth in the nest so that after giving birth, the mother cat will not be lying on the baby.

How to take care of a kitten from a diet

Taking care of a kitten will have to pay attention to many things from diet, rest, sleeping place, living space... In which nutritional needs are very important for the mother cat because reproduction will make them lose their strength. very fast.

If the cat is about to give birth, you need to feed the cat more because during the birth, the cat will not eat or drink anything. The mother cat's entire energy is focused on reproduction and milk production to feed the kittens.

When the cat is born, you should have the food ready right away. Although the female cat will not eat anything for the first few hours after giving birth, she will eat a lot after that to make up for her energy. Some mother cats when nursing their young can eat 4 times more than usual, so you should prepare a special nutritional diet for cats, especially foods that are low in calories and stimulate milk production. than.

How to take care of a cesarean cat

If your cat has a caesarean section, follow your veterinarian's instructions and pay attention to whether the mother cat bites the incision every day. It is best to wear an anti-licking collar for the cat.

Every day, you use hydrogen peroxide to clean the incision every 2 days to kill bacteria at the incision. Povidin and salt water can be mixed into lotus pink color to wash the wound once every 2 days. Remember to only gently pry the knots if they are present.

Every day, you also need to use cotton or gauze to gently press on the incision for 1-2 minutes so that the cotton swab can absorb the plasma fluid in the incision and the stitches.

You also need to remember the postoperative injection schedule that the veterinarian told and remember that the cutting schedule is only 8 days after surgery, should not be left for too long. When the cat gives birth by cesarean section, you need to help the mother cat take care of the kittens. The anti-licking ring can be removed so that the mother cat can clean the kittens if you are around.

How to take care of a kitten so that the mother cat has a lot of milk

The mother's milk is the sole source of nutrition for the kittens in the early life. Kittens need to suckle continuously for more than 1 month to grow healthy. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the mother cat to have milk to breastfeed.

In the process of taking care of the laying cat, if you see the mother cat coming out of the nest, it means she is hungry, take a chicken bone for the mother cat to chew or separate the fish bone for it. Or you can also take rice, so puree it, or cook porridge for the mother cat to eat to gain strength and have milk to feed her baby.

The mother cat and the newborn kittens are both warm, you can use a heater, or buy a rubber bag, fill it with warm water and place it in the nest. If a mother cat is cold, she will have less milk for her kittens to suckle, if there is a shortage of mother's milk, the kitten will be very malnourished.

Diet for the new mother cat

1. Caring for kittens with granular food

Nutrition for the new mother cat is extremely important. If your cat is used to eating seeds, here are a few cat foods recommended by doctors:

  • MECs: Made from completely natural ingredients. Natural flavors to suit your cat's taste. Stimulate the cat to eat more appetizing.
  • Catidea: Caring for kittens born with this food will provide the most complete nutrients. Safe, non-irritating to the most sensitive cats. Give your cat the best nutritional ingredients.
  • Royal Canin: for all breeds like British Shorthair, Longhair, Persian, Folded... weaning kittens (1-4 months), pregnant and lactating mother cats. Increase the cat's resistance, help the cat's body develop. Digestive enzymes, Probiotics support digestion for cats, help balance beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract.

2. Caring for kittens with wet food

The mother cat when nursing her kittens needs a lot higher protein than usual. If the kitten shows unusual signs such as meowing a lot or showing discomfort, it is a sign that the mother cat is not getting enough protein. Wet foods are very easy to digest, and most of the nutrition can be absorbed by cats.

Some types of wet food are very good for cats:

  • Pate for cats
  • Cat sauce
  • Sausage for cats

Note, do not let the cat eat rancid, perverted food, to avoid poisoning the cat.

Some notes when taking care of kittens

When taking care of a kitten, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Choose food carefully when caring for kittens
  • Supplement nutrition and calcium for mother cats
  • Keeping the bed of the mother and kittens clean is very important during this time.
  • Do not allow strangers to see where the cat is. The mother cat will react very strongly, possibly biting her baby or a stranger, even biting the owner if she intervenes.
  • Vaccinate your cat according to the schedule prescribed by your veterinarian.

Here is some information about how to take care of kittens that we want to share with you. Wish you have healthy and lovely kittens. If you need to know more about other ways to take care of kittens, contact for advice.

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