Feline leukopenia is also known as Carre and Parvo disease. This is a very dangerous disease that can be fatal in cats. So what is the cause of the disease? How to prevent and treat the disease? The following article will help you answer this problem.

What is feline leukopenia?

What is feline leukopenia?

White blood cells are immune cells in the cat's body that are responsible for fighting harmful external agents such as organisms, chemicals and forming antibodies to protect the body.

Feline leukopenia or carre parvo is an infectious disease caused by the FPV virus that invades the body and attacks the blood cells leading to anemia, leukopenia, and other viral or bacterial infections. .

FPV virus is only found in cats and this is an extremely dangerous virus:

Viruses have high resistance to antiseptics, withstand heat up to 56°C for 30 minutes, and can survive for a long time in the environment. It lives in the nucleus of cells, reproduces rapidly, and destroys the cat's body. In just 24 hours of penetration, the virus can begin to destroy the body and reproduce in the cat's body.

This virus causes high mortality in infected cats, especially in kittens. It can be an infection that is transmitted directly when cats come into contact with each other, transmitted through contaminated waste or from the environment or the air.

Kittens are the most vulnerable, especially kittens from 1 month to 3 months old.

Signs and treatment of leukopenia or carre parvo for cats

1. Symptoms of leukopenia in cats

  • Vomiting.
  • Foam at the mouth, wet around the lips.
  • Fever, abnormal body temperature changes, increased body temperature at first infection but hypothermia in later stages.
  • Stop eating and can't eat even though you are very hungry or thirsty, the obvious manifestation is that the cat often sits hunched in front of the eating bowl but cannot eat / drink.
  • Diarrhea and possibly blood.
  • Loss of voice, voiceless, hoarse or inability to cry.
  • Unsteady walking, trembling, lethargy

The signs/symptoms of the disease may not be obvious, or the symptoms present differently in each infected cat. Cats can even be euthanized without apparent warning.

When a pregnant cat is infected with the virus, the kittens can be affected and die mass at birth, or carry defects from birth.

2. How to cure leukopenia in cats

If your cat shows signs of leukopenia, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian to have the cat tested for infection through blood and feces. There is currently no successful cure for leukopenia, but if the disease is detected in time, the symptoms can be treated with the aim of improving the resistance of infected cats.

Vitamin B12 can be supplemented by a veterinarian.

Caring for cats and handling the environment with infected cats

When detecting a sick cat, in addition to taking it to the doctor, you need to make sure to clean the living environment of the infected cat so that the virus does not spread to other cats.

Feces should be removed and an appropriate veterinary disinfectant should be used to clean the infected cat's habitat. Clean any items your cat comes into contact with such as trays, litter boxes and eating bowls, bedding or toys (soak items in a diluted bleach solution of 1 part bleach – 32 parts water for 1 day) and prevent any contact between the sick cat and another cat.

If the cat survives longer than 5 days after detecting the symptoms, it is likely that the cat will make a full recovery in a few weeks. For up to 6 weeks (1 and a half months) after recovery, cats can still spread disease and viruses to the environment or to other cats. Therefore, to prevent leukopenia and FPV virus, you need to isolate your cat for 10-15 days and vaccinate your cat against the disease as directed by your veterinarian.

Here is some information about the treatment of leukopenia in cats that we want to share with you. Wish you have healthy and lovely cats. If you need to know more about other ways to take care of cats, contact http://vanchuyenchomeo.com/ for advice.

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