How to know Signs of a pregnant Alaskan dog? How is the most accurate way to diagnose Alaskan dog pregnancy? Together Find out through the article below.

The most recognizable sign of a pregnant Alaskan dog

The signs of a pregnant Alaskan dog are not too strange for experienced owners. But for those who are new to raising Alaskan dogs for the first time, it is not easy to find out if their Alaskan baby is pregnant or not. Let's learn about these Signs of a pregnant Alaskan dog for the best preparation.

1. External changes when Alaskan dogs are pregnant

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Nipple color change: This is one of the Alaska dog early signs of pregnancy. During pregnancy, their nipples will become pinker, fuller and bulging than usual. Only about 2 to 3 weeks after conception, their bodies will be hotter than usual, their nipples will be fuller and more beautiful.

Changes in the body: Alaska dogs usually do not change much in appearance until the second half of pregnancy. During about 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, their waist remains normal and their belly will enlarge as they enter the second half of pregnancy. Between about 4-5 weeks, their waist will become bigger and bigger, the belly will bulge out on the sides instead of sag like a pig. The bitch's belly will be round and bulging.

Signs of morning sickness: Alaska dogs when pregnant can also experience morning sickness like humans. They look moody, prefer to sleep, and many of them stop eating for the first time.

Pre-pregnancy signs: The pre-pregnancy signs can last from 1 to 2 weeks, by the 3rd week, the bitch's gums will turn white, instead of the usual pink. The cause is that the fetus in the mother dog's belly is associated with the uterus and the mother's blood is gathering at that location. The number of red blood cells in the gums will gradually decrease, causing the gums to become pale.

Check the fetus in the mother's womb: During the final stages of pregnancy, you will notice slight movement of their hips. That's alf due to the activities of the puppies in the womb. If you take the mother Alaskan dog for an ultrasound, you will see that the puppies are moving very cute.

If you touch the outside, you can hardly find the puppies. Because they are located deep inside the mother dog's abdomen and are surrounded by amniotic membranes. It is very difficult for us to feel puppies with our hands when touching.

If you see your Alaskan dog with the above signs, you can preliminary conclude that the dog is pregnant. However, you can also bring your dog to the veterinarian for the most accurate results. Specifically, blood test results can be used for the most accurate pregnancy test on the 30th day. Ultrasound results can take the fetal heart rate on the 28th day.

How to accurately diagnose Alaska dog is pregnant or not?

dấu hiệu chó Alaska mang thai

To accurately diagnose an Alaskan dog that is pregnant, you can apply the following ways:

Take to the vet: This is the most efficient and most accurate way of checking. Veterinarians will examine and ultrasound the mother Alaskan dog when necessary.

Health check for mother dog: For a physical examination of the mother Alaskan dog, the veterinarian will perform a general examination and examine the mother's abdomen. At this point, the doctor can feel the uterine area and determine the position of the puppy.

Check your heart rate: From the 6th week onwards, when checking the heart rate, the veterinarian can hear the fetal heartbeat by placing the stethoscope on the mother's belly.

Nutrition for Alaskan dogs during pregnancy

Pregnant Alaskan dogs will gain weight in the 2nd or 3rd to 5th week. At this time, their nutritional needs will almost double. You need to prepare them a healthy, balanced diet. They should eat foods that provide a lot of protein, fat, energy and minerals such as beef, chicken, duck eggs, etc.

By mid-pregnancy, the puppies have grown, so the mother's stomach will shrink to make room for the puppies. You need to reduce the amount of food per meal and increase the frequency of feeding to about 3, 4 – 5 times a day. Fat should be increased by feeding more red meat (duck, pork, beef) than white meat (chicken, fish).

During the 8th week, you need to increase the amount of food to 50% compared to the pre-pregnancy period, because at this time the puppy is in a strong growth stage. At week 9, the mother dog will show signs of eating less. You should not force them to eat but let them naturally. About 1-2 days before giving birth, the mother dog will stop eating completely and you need to prepare the litter box with adequate drinking water for the dog.

In addition, the owner also needs to ensure that the air in the house is always airy, creating a comfortable feeling for the mother Alaskan dog. Because during pregnancy, they are very susceptible to stress, which can adversely affect the development of puppies in the womb.

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